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Semester One Wrapped, 2022

Hi Everyone,

What a semester it's been!

We've witnessed the handover of the old committee to the new, hosted multiple successful fundraising and volunteering events and raised around £300!

Let's break it down.

This semester we've:

Raised £300 for St George's Hospice and Simon on the Streets.

Hosted 2 fundraisers: our Decorate-a-Cookie and Christmas Musical Bingo fundraisers.

Played 10+ Michael Buble songs at the Terrace during this festive season, as part of of Musical Bingo fundraiser.

Created MANY simultaneously beautifully and terrifyingly decorated cookies as part of our Decorate-a-Cookie fundraiser.

Collected over 5 enormous bags of hats, gloves, scarves and coats, in collaboration with Zero Waste Leeds ...

... 1 of which was a bag of clothing, kindly donated by Headingley Oxfam.

Organised 11 sandwich runs, with the help of 43 of our amazing volunteers.

Handed out 143+ sandwiches and SEVERAL packets of crisps and flasks of hot chocolate.

And had BUCKETS of fun along the way!

Thank you to each and every one of you who have supported Leeds Homed this semester, whether it be through your kind donations of clothing, money or your time. As always, your amazing participation is what makes our work possible.

Bring on Semester 2!

All our love,

Leeds Homed Committee 2022-2023



HOMED is a charity run by students @LeedsUniUnion to promote understanding of and encourage engagement with issues relating to homelessness in Leeds.

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